Procedures Available
- Lumps, Lipoma, Cysts, Gland Biopsy, Auroplasty
- Breast Diseases, Lumps, Abscesses, Breast Cancers
- Gastro Intestinal Diseases, Appendix, Hernias, Intestinal Obstruction etc.
- Gall bladder stones and cancers
- Piles, Fissures, Fistulas, Perineal Abscess
- Goiters,Thyroid Nodules, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
- Kidney Stones, Prostate, hydrocoele, Varicocoele, Circumcision, Kidney and Ureter Surgery
- Tonsils, Deviated Nasal Septum, ENT Foreign bodies
- Cataracts and lens implantation
- Dental Extractions, Jaw Fractures and Maxilo-Facial surgeries
- Normal Deliveries, Painless Deliveries, Caesarians, Ectopic Pregnancies
- Hysterectomy, Ovarian Cysts,
Ovary, Cervical and Uterine Cancers
- Fracture Plasters and Surgeries
- Laparoscopy-Diagnostic, Laparoscopy-Appendectomy, Cholecystectomy, Hysterectomy and Tubal Banding
- Oesophago Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy, Cysto Urethroscopy etc.